AI enterprise labs for transformation and change

To ensure that the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) changes our working world and value creation systems for the better, companies must be well prepared for it. Only if the framework conditions, such as transparency and participation, are in place can companies fully exploit the potential of AI. To ensure that this succeeds and that organizations in Germany can become internationally competitive with AI, the Fraunhofer IAO and the cooperating IAT of the University of Stuttgart are working with 30 companies in the »KI-ULTRA« (AI-ULTRA) project to develop a guide for AI introduction and transformation processes for companies of all sectors, sizes and fields of activity.
The guidelines to be developed in the »KI-ULTRA« project and validated in 30 company labs incorporate the perspectives of various stakeholders. This will be supplemented with a practice-oriented »Evaluation Toolkit« with which companies, administrations and other organizations can measure their transformation needs and success and thus ultimately also the success of the AI introduction.
The toolkit and action guidelines are intended to help introduce and use new technologies in an economical, responsible and human-centered way.